Bandung, Indonesia – Cells of International Conspiracy for Revenge claim responsibility for ATM fiebombings

July 6th, 2011 – Bandung, Indonesia
Cells of International Conspiracy for Revenge, a few days ago, have claimed responsibility by spreading leaflets surrounding the ATM BNI firebombings. The leaflet is almost the same tone as in Makassar and Manado:
“PT Indomining (Bima) has been brutally repressing the local population, Jogja Magasa International wants to evict 30,000 farmers in Kulon Progo. Farmers in Takalar are facing the threat of land-grabbing. These actions are carried out in a brutal way, including shootings, terror, sexual harassment as well as the various forms of repression that we never hear about in the mainstream media.
That’s not surprising because these capitalist-bureaucratic companies do not care about anything except making their wallet thicker!”

April 4th attack of the International Conspiracy for Revenge, Indonesia, against industrial development

“Our attacking of an ATM (bank) is an important target, because banks are always involved in financing natural resources and the repression of the people in the name of capital! We have no intention of injuring anyone, the destruction of property is not violence! No mercy for the forces of repression! No mercy for the State and Capitalism.”
May the Social War escalate and we forgot to mentioned comrades in Greece, Italy, or anywhere else but you all know our hearts are with you.
Got Ist Tot – Free Association of Individualist-Communists.
Salute to: Revolutionary Organisation – Conspiracy of Cells of Fire. The Revolutionary
Struggle. The Chilean insurrectionists. Giannis Dimitrakis and Polykarpos Georgiades, our hearts are with you!
Long Live the Rebellion and stay free. And with this statement we claim to join the RO-FAI, Indonesian Section.
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