About the case of Silvia, Billy & Costa

Call for a for heightened campaign against genetic manipulation and the new technologies of control

Taken from 325 #9 (an awesome read!)

On Friday, July 22, anarchists Costas Ragusa, Luca ‘Billy’ Bernasconi, and Silvia Guerini were sentenced at the Federal Criminal Court in Bellinzona, Switzerland, on charges of “conspiracy to commit arson” and “illegal trafficking of explosives” stemming from a thwarted attack on an IBM nanotechnology lab in Rüschlikon, near Zürich.

Ragusa, 34 and a founder of the Italian anarchist group ‘Il Silvestre’, which produces the anti-civilisation magazine ‘Terra Selvaggia’, was sentenced to three years and eight months in prison. He was accused of masterminding the lab attack. Bernasconi, 26 and a resident of Italy, was sentenced to three years and six months in prison, plus 22 days from a prior sentence.

Guerini, 29, was sentenced to three years and four months in prison.

Each of the three sentences will be reduced by one year and three months, which is the amount of time our comrades have spent in pretrial detention. After a trial which was characterised by police-militarisation and repression, the struggle against power in all its forms is not diminished, only strengthened.

A year ago, the beginning of the enormous catastrophe BP-Deep Water-Horizon [in the gulf of Mexico] confirms the principle of techno-industrial society that its technological remedy to the technological disaster will always be worse than the disease that it claims to cure, adding instead to one destruction another greater destruction. In this case, the chemical agent of secret nanotech composition with unknown consequences experimentally sprayed in huge quantities in the marine environment. A secret chemical composition released at high pressure along with sand and water deep underground, thanks to new technologies, gas drilling or oil shale extraction, which is to say, not more of the natural gas in large bubble on the way to depletion, but more of the gas content in a myriad of bubbles contained in the clay-like shale layers. With easily-imagined disastrous consequences such as earthquakes and further chemical pollution in surface water and groundwater. Emblematic is the proliferation of corporate advertising in the media for gas as a green energy that with Fukushima have replaced those for nuclear energy as clean energy…

And images of northern Japan have entered our homes and our cells with all of the impressive force of an unimaginable event.

The indomitability of the natural element lays bare in its entirety the anthropocentric presumption of technological-scientific progress and, along with the lives of thousands of people, swept away in one

afternoon all of the certainties of urban society.

Everywhere around us, science, business and governments have shaped the existent, placing us all in suspension on an artificial self-regulating scaffold that is anything but solid: namely, industrial-technological society.

Over thousands of years of civilization, it is now condensing into its most total and global expression which is multinational capitalism, to whose harmful effects and illusions we are all forced to entrust our lives. With the stupid arrogance that throughout history has marked every dominant power, it cannot afford any questioning of itself and the present into which we are forced. Open to alterations, albeit always false solutions, only if they can reinforce its legitimacy, but that can not continue to reproduce in a continuous spiral whose circles are increasingly asphyxiating shrinking around us. Where the internal bio- and nano-technologies of this spiral that is detrimental to the system itself, are not simple and additional technological developments among many, but are the key technologies with which the whole edifice on which we are deported far away from our natural world is restoring and, inside of the techno-industrial spiral, representing the ring of the chain that goes to close the steel circle of dominion over our life and everything that exists.

Where the profitability-concern of the owners and of the multinational corporations is not so much that the masses mustbecome dominated by material progress, but about the “limits” of this world. Then comes the need to obtain new materials, new materials and substances with new properties, new forms of energy production, new and ‘improved’ plant and animal species, new food applications, industrial and medical applications obtained by the manipulation of life and of matter. Innovations that, as with all the key innovations of civilization, are born out of military needs for imperialist war to the outside and inside the  of conquest, control and exploitation.

War, now more than ever, transcends the military field and has expanded its front, in fact, to every expression of the living and the material from the macro to the nano and even beyond the planet itself.

Thus every productive sector is invested in these technologies, but no longer content with the narrowness of the research labs is transforming–even after it transformed along with space into one deadly and sickening landfill–the entire planet into a laboratory, a new living world–or rather a dying, engineered one.

Not–as the great “greenwashing” campaigns of media terrorism and State want us to believe–to solve social and environ- mental disasters arising from the system, but always and ever to reproduce this system of domination and exploitation with the end of completing once and for all the techno-industrial complex enclosure.

Through this initiative we want to convey a specific revolutionary anarchist environmentalist sentiment, which leads us to confront with interventionist priority biotechnology, nanotechnology and nuclear research as harmful pillars on which the system goes on recomposing itself.

Also and above all, that is why we take this opportunity to call for a renewed fight against genetic engineering and in particular to its continued diffusion, as articulated by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) in Parma as a required step in stopping the spread of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) in Europe, which are supported by multinational chemical and agro-food corporations, for the purpose of introducing GM crops.

This too is part–a critical part–of the attempt to extend total and absolute control and domination in all biological processes (such as the social and economic through nanotechnology information technology), reducing the living being to a mere aggregate of genes to shape to the convenience of production.

Struggle that does not pass by delegating to always-complicit experts or politicians, but by organizing initiatives and acting widely to stop this necrology. …

Silvia Guerini

Bezirksgefängnis Zürich

Postfach 1266, CH-8026 Zürich


Luca Bernasconi

Regionalgefängnis Thun

Allmendstr. 34

3600 Thun, Switzerland

Costantino Ragusa

PF 3143

8105 Regensdorf


More info – many languages:


From Switzerland, a contribution to the

hunger strike of May 1-28, 2011.

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