Bank of America branch set on fire in Seattle

SEATTLE — Arson investigators are looking into a fire that was set at a Bank of America branch early Wednesday morning in Seattle’s Madison Park neighborhood.Police officers were called to the branch in the 4100 block of East Madison Street after a bank alarm was triggered around 2 a.m. When they arrived, they found the ATM engulfed in flames and more flames just inside the building. Firefighters were called to douse the flames.Investigators say there was no sign anyone went into the bank — it looks like someone set the fire outside then left.

“ATM’s normally don’t start smoldering like this and don’t start fires like this normally,” said Kyle Moore with Seattle Fire. “And that’s definitely why we’re considering this suspicious.”

Investigators say specially-trained dogs brought in to sniff-out accelerants like gasoline, detected two suspicious scents, and that evidence is now on its way to the state crime lab.

Investigators couldn’t say yet whether the fire was related to the Occupy Seattle movement. So far, there are no suspects. (…)

from Anews


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