Mandy Hiscock sentenced to 16 months

from GuelphABC

On Friday (January) the 13th 2012, Mandy Hiscocks was sentenced to 20-24 month for 1 count of Counseling to Commit Mischief and Counseling to Obstruct Police. With 31 days in pretrial custody and harsh bail conditions taken into account, Mandy’s remaining time to serve is 16 months.

With the courthouse filled with supporters, more than could even fit in the courtroom, Mandy delivered an awesome speech chastising the justice system and enlightening the judge as to why exactly, her desires have not been deterred by her sentence.

The Judge took it upon himself to try and engage her on many of the points she brought up, defending the state and capital, and even at one point announcing that he is also apart of the “99%”. Warm cheers and chants from supporters for Mandy’s words brought threats of contempt charges and removing all her supporters from the courtroom.

if you would like to stay up to date on Mandy’s incarceration, check out the support blog set up for her, or check back in with Guelph ABC for relevant updates. Mandy’s Blog:

If you want to write Mandy, you can send your letters, fan mail and Battle Star Galactica fan fiction to:

Amanda Hiscocks
c/o Vanier Centre for Women
665 Martin Street
Milton, Ontario L9T 5E6
Down with this prison society! Let’s crack it from below!
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