For the spreading of action – solidarity with Luciano Tortuga

Sadly, on June 1, of 2011, a terrible accident stains a new date in the calendar with blood. That cold dawn comrade Luciano Pitronello, Turtle, (22 years) takes the terrible blast of the shockwave of a homemade bomb placed in a bank. The comrade Turtle advances wounded and in shock, while the security cameras record those crucial minutes. The fire devours his clothes while his steps are disoriented by the pain.

The press arrives at the spot almost immediately. Like the good mercenaries that they are, they point their cameras with morbid intention to hurt the feelings of Turtle and his dear ones.

This is the way that the comrade is filmed : wounded and naked, covered in gunpowder and screaming in pain. These images will be repeated continuously as the best advertisement of the misery that represents capital and its culture of arrogance…

From the FAI in Bolivia

Face-to-face with the ennemy

Power yearns to turn the life of our comrade Turtle into the example of punishment, to instill fear and stagnation into all the dissident sectors of the democratic theatre.

By punishing Turtle, they will try to punish all those who refuse to swallow the story of the social pact; there are already groups, anarchists, who are taking upon themselves an open offensive against capital state/, with its symbols and organizational forms, like also all the groups and individual students that in insurrectional ways are taking to the streets and leaving in them the sweat and the blood, after long days of confrontations with the police.

All of the context lived recently on that piece of land named Chile, constitutes one more of the scenarios of the social war like in various parts of the “globe”.

The overflowing of the “citizen protests ” of the uncontrollables, once again surpasses with deeds and words the desired social control and sense of normality that is installed through mass means.

It is in this same path of struggle and action, of persistence and courage, that Turtle took words and dreams, turning them into arms, attacking in spite of the possible consequences that we all know.

The State/Capital through its legal/mediatic/policial institutions is trying to establish its authority unquestioned. Public defamation, repression, jail and bullets will be some of the varied weapons that they will use with in the object of breaking the will and the actions of the irreducible ones that do not look for dialogue, because they are consumed in war against all authority.

In that sense fear, paralysis, passivity or silence concerning the situation that faces Luciano means to hand oneself over to the enemy. Our resignation against what happens with the comrade will give a victory to power and its control mechanisms.

The role of the journalists/police in the conflict.

The State, shamed by the lack of concrete results to give the people charged with the explosive attacks, is elaborating ridiculous theories, that they are trying to sustain with police stupidity, mass media and massive indifference.
Lamentably, Turtle’s accident grants them the perfect occasion to create an immense apparatus in the style of the old Roman circus to apply its laws.

In this process of public lynching not only police and judges have become jumbled, but the great mass media, who play a fundamental roll. Contributors, accomplices, collaborators and central place in the power relationships.

Not only do they work openly with the police, in addition they do not scrimp in efforts to publicly and morbidly exhibit the bodies of the comrades in the prisoners’ dock, exhibit their wounds or their dead bodies.

They exhibited our brother Mauri, showing his dead body, causing deep pain to his dear ones and comrades. They invented a supposed interview to false comrades of Mauri, eager only to discredit him and systematically attacked his surroundings of affection and commitment. They validated with infamous news articles, all the repressive game of the bomb case.

The insult that we have received from the journalists cannot be forgotten, it cannot be standardized and ingenuously believed that they are just the excesses of precise people. They have attacked, they have harmed our dignity and the privacy of our brothers and that humiliation must be returned, blow by blow, until they back down.

It is the work of the press, more and more committed in the direct fight against those who take up the offensive, that has generated gross stereotypes of those who fight. Their news articles instill paranoia and demonisation, generating concepts like “ vandals ”, “ soulless ” and “ violent ”, to mention a few.

September 19th solidarity against the main offices of Agrosuper food processor in Santiago (article in spanish) More interesting infos on Agrosuper corp

In these days they give a prize to the good citizen, decree the minute of fame, for the stupid idiot ones that collaborate with the control organisms, or assume reactionary positions as informers in the student mobilizations.

But the footmen journalists have not stopped there, they took a further step in persecuting, coarsely denouncing and defamating the comrades in incredible ways. They have arrived at the point from which journalists like Max Frick and F.A.V.P. appear as protected witnesses in the Bomb case.

Their testimonies, plagued with lies and personal revenge, are trying to condemn the comrades in one of the most media orchestrated cases of recent times. For their declarations these two idiots receive protection and money from the State… their lives get fat and comfortable, while our brothers undergo confinement.

Our answer: solidarity

It is against these facts and against the police attack, that we must make clear that revolutionary solidarity, internationalism and active memory are substantial and indissoluble elements in all the process of struggle.
To the comrades who are in the front firing line receiving the blows of the power, we, from this small written gesture, shout with all our lungs: solidarity, memory and action!!!

All those directly facing Capitalism are our brothers, and we shout tears for those no longer physically with us. We have not forgotten them, we are all with you and in all the possible ways, always present, eternally present.

This is the moment in which the slogan “nobody is alone in the social war”, must acquire a special practical meaning. It depends on us, certainly, and on our real will to realise the common effort of solidarity.

All actions are extremely valuable and urgent: letters, pamphlets, discussion, agitation, bombs and fire, are feeding the indomitable spirit of our comrades.

For that reason the call is to organize solidarity this September 22. We must make our brother and comrade feel by means of all type of gestures, that the fighters of all parts of the globe are sharing this hard trial with him. Because the fight for freedom is one, inside and outside. Forgetfulness and silence… are characteristic only of traitors.

Debate, spread, attack, not one step back in front of the enemy.

Fire and more fire for Capitalism, their defenders and their false critics.

A fraternal greeting and total support to comrade Luciano at this difficult moment and those that may come.
Rebel spirits: they are not satisfied with being affected by what happens to Luciano… from words to acts, the actions will make us brothers, no matters how dark the night appears.

Active solidarity, with the comrades in Chile, Greece, Switzerland, Mexico, the USA and all the accomplices of the revolt in each corner of the world.

Freedom to all political prisoners! Fire to the jail, flight to the rebels!

To the streets for the young people assassinated during the student protests: Manuel Gutierrez and Mario Parraguéz, we do not want bourgeois justice, we look for revolutionary execution …..

In memory of our dear comrade Claudia Lopez, young anarchist assassinated by the police on September 11, 1998 in area of La Pincoya.

Black September of 2011.

Read full text here

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